SCI/SCOPUS journals
45. Ammonia Flameless Combustion, Fuel (2025, in review)
44. Ammonia Combustion review, Energies (2025, in review)
43. Biochar Oven Hydrogen, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy (2025, in press)
42. R. Zhu, D. Shin, Study on Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of 25 kW Flameless
Combustion in a Cylindrical Heat Exchanger for a Reforming Processor, Energies, 16: 7160
41. R. Jin, D. Shin, Effects of UV Light Treatment on Functional Group and Its Adsorption
Capacity of Biochar, Energies, 16: 5508 (2023),
40. M. Abbas, H. S. Eom, J. Y. Byun, D. Shin, S. H. Kim, Dry reforming of methane using a
novel microreactor fabricated from stacking of stainless steel wire-mesh support catalysts,
Journal of Cleaner Production, 418: 138044 (2023)
39. W. Jiang, R. Zhu, D. Shin, Heat transfer characteristics of tubular heat exchanger using
reverse air injection flameless combustion, Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume 230, Part B
120713, (2023)
38. H.A.Y. Rizi, D. Shin, Green Hydrogen Production Technologies from Ammonia Cracking,
Energies 15: 8246 (2022)
37. D. Shin, A. Francis, P.V. Aravind, T.Woudstra, Jong, D. Roekaerts, D. Numerical
Evaluation of Biochar Production Performance of Downdraft Gasifier by Thermodynamic
Model, Energies, 15: 7650 (2022),
36. S.Y. Rizi, H.A.Y. Rizi, D. Shin, Polymeric Nanoparticles in Cancer Chemotherapy: A Narrative
Review, Iranian Journal of Public Health, 51:226-239 (2022)
35. M.H. Shin, Y.C. Jang, A Study on the Production Characteristics of Hydrogen and Biochar
Using the High-temperature Thermochemical Pyrolysis of Biomass, Transactions of the
Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers, B 45:577-586 (2021)
34. J. Shin, D. Shin, Study on emission characteristics based on the fuel flow rate and
stoichiometric ratio of a swirling flameless furnace, Transactions of the Korean Society of
Mechanical Engineers, B, 45:559~568 (2021)
33. T. Shin, D. Shin, Study on the operation range and performance of reverse air injection
flameless combustion depending on LPG flow rate and air injection velocity, Transactions of
the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers, B, 45:541-548 (2021)
32. B. Kim, D. Shin, Study on thermal flow characteristics of flameless combustion furnace
with coaxial dual tube heat exchanger by reversed air injection method. Transactions of the
Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers, B 44:219-230 (2020)
31. C, Choi, W. Choi, J. Choi, W. Kim, D. Shin, Reducing CO emissions through a secondary
air nozzle retrofit based on the jet penetration factor and the momentum flux ratio of a
commercial wood waste incinerator, Applied Thermal Engineering, 118: 101-112 (2017)
30. C. Choi, W. Choi, D. Shin, Experimental study on thermal NOx and CO emission in a
laboratory-scale incinerator with reversed secondary air jet injection. Korean Society of
Mechanical Engineers, 40:503-510 (2016)
29. C. Choi, W. Choi, J. Choi, D. Shin, Penetration behavior of opposed rows of staggered
secondary air jets depending on jet penetration coefficient and momentum flux ratio, Int. J.
of Heat and Mass Transfer, 101: 274-279 (2016)
28. Effect of surface etching on condensing heat transfer, Journal of Mechanical Science and
Technology 30 (2) 871~877(2016)
27. Configuration effects of natural gas fired multi-pair regenerative burners in a flameless
oxidation furnace on efficiency and emissions, Applied Energy, 107, 25~32 (2013)
26. C. Ryu, D. Shin, Combined Heat and Power from Municipal Solid Waste: Current Status
and Issues in South Korea, Energies, 6, 45~57 (2013)
25. S. Jang, C. Cho, J. Nam, S. Lim, D. Shin, T. Chung, "Numerical study on leakage detection
and location in a simple gas pipeline branch using an array of pressure sensors,"
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 24, 983-990 (2011)
24. H. Kim, J. Nam, T. Chung, Y. Kim, D. Shin, "A numerical study on liquid water exhaust
capabilities of flow channels in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells,"
Current Applied Physics, Vol. 10, s91-s96, (2010)
23. Y. Kim, J. Nam, T. Chung, Y. Kim, D. Shin, "Computational fluid dynamics simulations for
hydrogen dispersion and exhaust in residential fuel cell systems,"
Current Applied Physics, Vol. 10, s81-s85, (2010)
22. H. Kim, T. Chung, J. Nam, C. Cho, D. Shin, "A simple dynamic model for polymer
electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) power modules: Parameter estimation and model
prediction," International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 35, 3656-3663, (2010)
21. U. Kim, K. Park, J. Nam, S. Jang, T. Chung, D. Shin, "Fast cure kinetics of a UV-curable
resin for UV nano-imprint lithography: Phenomenological model determination based on
differential photocalorimetry results," Thermochimica Acta, Vol. 498, 117-123, (2010)
20. K. Lee, S. Lim, I. Park, J. Chung, S. Jang, H. Yim, J. Won, D. Shin, "Heat transfer analysis
during a curing process for UV nanoimprint lithography,"
J. of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 23, 927-930, (2009)
19. R. Ryu, S. Lim, J. I. Jeong, D. Shin, S. Jang, H. J. Yim, K. S. Lee, "Indentation experiment
and analysis on mold and resin material during the nanoimprint process,"
J. of mechanical science and technology, Vol. 23, 1031-1034, (2009)
18. Park, H. Yim, S. Jang, D. Shin, S. Lim, J.I. Jeong, "Deformation of a LCD glass-panel by
alighnment process in nanoimprint lithography,"
J. of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 9, 684-687, (2009)
17. R. Ryu, S. Lim, J. I. Jeong, D. Shin, S. Jang, H. J. Yim, K. S. Lee, "Theoritical and
experimental analysis of material deformation by microcontact,"
Int. J. of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Vol. 10(2) (2009)
16. H. Seo, D. Shin, J. H. Chung, B. Kim, S. M. Park, H. C. Lim, "Computational Fluid Dynamic
Analyses of catalytic combustors for 100 kW-class molten carbonate fuel cell,"
Korean J. Chem. Eng., Vol. 26(1), 72-78, (2009)
15. D. Shin, T. Yub, W. Yang, B. Jeon, S. Park, J. Hwang, "Combustion characteristics of
simulated gas fuel in a 30 kg/h scale pyrolysis-melting incinerator,"
Waste Management, Vol.28 2422-2427, (2008)
14. J. An, J. Kwon, D. Ahn, D. Shin, H. Shin, B. Kim, "Efficient nitrogen removal in a pilot
system based on upflow multi-layer bioreactor for treatment of strong nitrogenous swine
wastewater,"Process Biochemistry, Vol. 42 764-772, (2007)
13. D. Shin, S. Park, B. Jeon, T. Yu, J. Hwang, "Effect of Swirling Flow by Normal Injection of
Secondary Air on the Gas Residence Time and Mixing Characteristics in a Lab-Scale Cold
Model Combustor," Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol 20, No. 12, pp.
2310-2317 (2006)
12. D. Shin, S.D.Jang, J.H.Hwang, "Combustion Characteristics of Paper Mill Sludge in a
Combustor with Internally Cycloned Circulating Fluidized Bed,"
Waste Management, Vol.25:680-685(2005)
11. C. Ryu, D. Shin and S. Choi, “Combined Bed Combustion and Gas Flow Simulation for a
Grate Type Incinerator,” J. of Air and Waste Management Asso. Vol 52:189-197 (2002)
10. C. Ryu, D. Shin and S. Choi, “Effect of Fuel Layer Mixing in a Grate-type Incinerator,”
Advances in Energy Research, Vol.5, pp.259-267, (2001)
9. C. Ryu, D. Shin and S. Choi, “Bed Combustion and Gas Flow Model for MSW Incinerator,”
Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics: an Int. J., Vol.1, pp.141-148, (2001)
8. D. Shin and S. Choi., "The Combustion of Simulated Waste Particles in a Fixed Bed,"
Combust. Flame, Vol. 121, pp. 167-180, (2000)
7. D. Shin, J.H. Choi, S. Nasserzadeh, S. Choi, J. Swithenbank, "Experimental Measurements
and Computational Modeling of a Pilot Scale Incinerator,"
J. of the Inst. of Energy, Vol. 72, pp 56-63, (1999)
6. D. Shin, S.Choi, J-E Oh, Y-S Chang, "Evaluation of PCDD/Fs Emission in Municipal Solid
Waste Incinerators," Environmental Sci. Technol., Vol. 33, pp. 2657-2666, (1999)
5. D. Shin, S. Choi, "The Effects of Operation Conditions on PCDD/Fs Emission in Municipal
Solid Waste Incinerators: Stack Gas Measurement and Evaluation of Operating Conditions,"
Organohalogen Compounds, Vol. 36, pp. 143-146, (1998)
4. D. Shin, C.K. Ryu and S. Choi, "Computational Fluid Dynamic Evaluation of Good
Combustion Performance in Waste Incinerators," Air and Waste Management Asso. J., Vol.48
pp. 345-351, (1998)
3. W. Yang, D. Shin and S. Choi, "A Process Simulation Model for a 2ton/h Incinerator - A
Combined Combustion and Furnace Heat Transfer Model,"
Int. J. of Energy Research, Vol.22, P.943-951, (1998 )
2. S. Kim, D. Shin and S. Choi, "Comparative Evaluation of Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator
Design by Flow Simulation,"
Combust. Flame, Vol. 106, P.241-251, (1996)
1. S. Choi, J. S. Lee, S. K. Kim, D. Shin, "Cold-flow simulation of municipal waste
incinerators," Proceedings of the Combustion Institute., Vol. 25, pp. 317-323, (1994)